
The Barons' War 3 - 28mm Medieval Miniatures

Created by Andy Hobday & Paul Hicks

New, highly-detailed, 28mm medieval miniatures, terrain and campaign setting called 'Death & Taxes' for The Barons' War tabletop game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thank You, Everyone!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 02:48:31 PM

And breath...Thank you, everyone, for your support for The Barons' War it has been totally awesome, and I think it is right to say we smashed it! This is our most successful Kickstarter to date, by a long way, and we couldn't have done it without all of you. 

Please make sure you continue to read the update emails that we will be sending out as we use them to, well, keep you updated.  Be assured we are fully committed to delivering your pledges in the most timely of fashions while keeping you fully up to date in the process.

We will explain what happens next in detail in the coming days. For now, take a deep breath and bask in the glow that you have made two old(ish) men very happy!

~Andy & Paul (Hobday & Hicks)

What’s, what - To help with your decision making during the run in
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 02:46:42 PM

Well, it's more like 10 hours to go with this campaign ending today at 8pm UK time, I thought an update explaining pledge levels and the 'freebies' would help to clarify what is what.

Pledge Levels

The Baron 1+

Backing at the Baron level enables you to choose whatever packs you would like in the pledge manager for your pledge amount. 

The Antagonists £60+

The Antagonists pledge is for the initial 10 packs which will be added to your account, plus you will be able to add extras in the pledge manager.

All the Death and Taxes Figures 134+

All the Death and Taxes Figures pledge is for one of all the figures in the Kickstarter which will be added to your account, you will be able to add extras in the pledge manager.

King John £450+

When the Kickstarter ends I will be in touch to discuss the miniature you would like Paul to create for you.  You will receive the initial 10 packs (The Antagonist Pledge) plus you will be able to add extras in the pledge manager.

Terrain Pledges

If you are backing terrain please back at the terrain pledge level you are wanting.   You can add figure packs in the pledge manager, there will be an add-on available for The Antagonists and All the Death and Taxes Figures when it opens.

Digital Terrain Files (STLs) £40+

The Digital Terrain Files pledge is for all the STL files created for this campaign, except the Tax Cart. You will be able to add figures in the pledge manager, however, be advised as soon as you order a physical product you will have to consider postage. The Digital Files will be available as an add-on in the pledge manager.

The Hamlet £70+ and Wimentun Village £200+

You will be able to add figures to both The Hamlet pledge and the Wimentun Village pledge in the pledge manager. 

If there are any of these sets left when the campaign ends today, we will include them on a first-come, first-served basis until gone. Currently, there are 31 Hamlets and only 5 Villages left at the time of this update.


The following is a list of all the freebies we have included during the campaign and how you qualify.

  • Every Backer who completes their pledge will receive a PDF copy of the Death and Taxes campaign book.
  • Backers numbered up to and including #629, who complete their pledge, will receive the exclusive 24-hour miniature, which will not be released.
  • Backers who pledge £45 or more will receive The Falconer exclusive miniature, which will not be released.
  • Backers who pledge £45 or more will receive a printed copy of the Death and Taxes campaign book
  • Backers who pledge £45 or more will receive The Outlawed Noble miniature.
  • Backers who pledge £80 or more will receive The Bishop of York miniature.
  • Backers who pledge £134 or more will receive the Ambush miniature
  • We are including The Outlaw Retinue list (an extra 8-12 pages) and full campaign rules for The Barons’ War (new section) to the Death and Taxes campaign book,

None of the freebies will be paid add-ons in the pledge manager, you will not be able to purchase them there.

*All these freebies will be added to your pledge in the pledge manager once it has been locked and you have finalised your pledges. We will wait until the pledge manager is completed to make sure everyone who qualifies receives the correct freebies and no one misses out!  The Falconer, The Outlawed Noble, The Bishop of York and the Ambush miniatures will only be added to physical pledges for postage reasons.  If you qualify for the 24-hour exclusive miniature you will be asked to pay for the postage costs if you do not have a physical pledge.

The Pledge Manager

What is the Pledge Manager? If this is your first The Barons’ War Kickstarter, when the campaign ends and Kickstarter have done their bit collecting your pledges, the pledge manager is a place we go to manage the pledge you made, choose add-ons and arrange postage. I will be on hand for the entire time until you receive your pledge. I will be sending out a full update about how the pledge manager works in due course.

I hope this update helps, any questions today please do not hesitate to ask them.

~Andy & Paul (Hobday & Hicks)

Extra Packs in the Pledge Manager
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Apr 04, 2021 at 06:23:09 AM

When the Kickstarter finishes a pledge manager will open which all backers will have access to. The pledge manager is where you can check and manage your pledge, choose your packs if you have backed at the Baron level or added to one of the other pledge levels. All will be explained in due course and I will be on hand to help if you need it.

As well as the packs from Death and Taxes we will be adding the following packs as 'add-ons' from the previous two Kickstarters as they fit the narrative of the campaign, and you may not already have them.

Outlaws & Villages

Extra leaders to command your Outlaws and a choice of Levy which will work as armed villages.

Robin Hood & Friar Tuck, Little John & Will Scarlett & The Maid Marian
Levy 1, Levy 2 & Levy 3

Armed Monks

Just in case you want to provide the Priest of Wimentun with some backup.

Milites Christi Monks 1 & Milites Christi Monks 2


Mounted sergeants to guard the tax cart and further foot troops to swell the ranks of Eustace's men.

Mounted Sergeants with Hand Weapons 1 & Mounted Sergeants with Hand Weapons 2
Foot Sergeants with Hand Weapons 1 & Crossbowmen 3
Bannerman & Musician 1 & Bannerman & Musician 2

You will be able to play the Death and Taxes campaign using just the figures from the Kickstarter campaign,  however, you will also have the option to select a force of your choice using extra warriors you may have.

We'll also include The Barons' War Rulebook and The Barons' War Action Tokens.

Stay safe!

~Andy & Paul (Hobday & Hicks)

Freebies to say Thank You!
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Apr 02, 2021 at 09:22:37 PM

I know I say "Thank You" a lot, but I mean it. There would be no Barons' War range and rules without you guys backing us, so it means a lot to Paul and me. All three of our Kickstarters to date have exceeded our expectations, but I have to say this one more than the others. So to put some weight behind the thank you's, we are adding some freebies.

Outlaw Retinue List

The initial idea behind the Outlaws was to have them as part of a force facing off against the Sheriff of Nottinghamshire, an extension of Robin Hood and his band.  Expanding on this idea, I've decided to create an independent Outlaw list to be used as a new retinue choice for any The Barons' War game and not just for the Death and Taxes story. The list will enable you to create your band of cutthroats, brigands or any other 'lawless type' you can think of.

Campaign Rules for The Barons' War

We are adding rules for campaign play for The Barons' War to the supplement book. The campaign will run on a hex-based system, incorporating random events, the weather, development of resources and of course, ransom! You will be able to set the length of your campaign, the number of players, create your commanders to lead your forces, keep your command groups from game to game as they develop and much more. This new section, separate from the Death and Taxes story, will enable you to field your retinue, claim land and carve out your place in the kingdom.

Outlawed Noble Figure

Besides additions to the supplement book, we've included a new Outlawed Noble figure to all pledges over £45. With the addition of the Outlaw retinue rules, we thought it would be good to have someone to lead them, who isn't Robin Hood.

If you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer them. Stay Safe!

~Andy & Paul (Hobday & HIcks)

The Poacher
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Apr 01, 2021 at 11:13:59 PM

Poaching was a new crime introduced by the Normans to England after the conquest and treated equally to murder and rebellion.

William I declared vast amounts of land in the English countryside to be royal forests. Land that had previously been ‘common land’ for the use of peasants and communities was now strictly controlled by the king. Hunting animals in the royal forests became a crime. However, people resented the forest laws, with many continuing to break them.  Anyone caught faced harsh punishments, from hanging to castration or blinding, acts all designed to deter others.

Poaching was still a common offence at the time of The Barons' War with the spoils taken from royal forest property sold to commoners for a profit. Sometimes poachers worked for rival lords and even supplied the local clergy. 

In-game our poacher can be taken as a commander to lead groups of outlaws and other commoners.