New, highly-detailed, 28mm medieval miniatures, terrain and campaign setting called 'Death & Taxes' for The Barons' War tabletop game.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Its September......let's get this party(?) started!
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Sep 08, 2021 at 12:22:19 PM
An exciting update today! As it's finally September, it is important that we provide an idea of what will happen this month, as it's the month all BW3 pledges are going to be picked, packed and shipped out!
Death & Taxes
The Death & Taxes book went to the printers last week and is scheduled to be delivered to Footsore Miniatures & Games this Wednesday, the 8th of September 2021. The book is the last item we are waiting for, and once it arrives, the task of picking, packing and despatching 797 pledges will begin!
I have to say the book is looking lovely, once again laid out and made to look the business by Steve Beckett. It is the first supplement for The Barons' War weighing in at 112-pages (116-pages if you include the cover) and a perfect companion for the main rulebook. The wraparound cover art is The Battle for Wimentun by Peter Dennis and it really looks the business.
There are three sections to this book. The first is a linked scenario-driven campaign for two players, set in the village of Wimentun, Nottinghamshire. It's a feisty encounter between the Sheriff of Nottinghamshire clashing with local villagers and outlaws.
The inclusion of outlaws in the campaign conceived the second section, the Outlaw list, which presents a different type of retinue to the game. As well as providing a selection of dark and nasty 'merry men' to be Robin Hood's followers, it introduces other notables such as Eustace the Monk, Fulk Fitz Warin and William of Cassingham as alternative commanders to the 'man in tights'. You can also use the Outlaw list to build mercenary retinues, real dogs of war.
The final section provides rules for running map based campaigns. I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with this bit. I'm already planning a new campaign using it for one of my gaming groups.
As a reminder, everyone who has completed their pledge will also receive a full digital copy of the supplement. I'm planning on sending the PDF out this month. You should receive it in your inbox before your physical pledge arrives.
Shipping of BW3 Pledges
With the printed supplement book scheduled to land this week, Footsore has been getting ready to start picking pledges. With every single pack, you pledged for already made up, a special BW3 pick face full of stock has been set up at Footsore HQ so that September can be a month spent picking, packing and dispatching.
A stack of boxes containing one of everything!
With a significant increase in the number of pledges for this project, extra prep work has taken place. For example, several 'all the Death and Taxes figures' deals have already been picked and boxed up. Picking a single box instead of picking MANY individual packs each time, should speed up the process.
We plan to start with all the far-flung pledges first, meaning the Rest of the World, then EU orders shipped DDP (delivered duty paid), so no extra fees should be accrued when they land, and then the UK pledges as they have the shortest distance to travel. Doing it in this order should mean everything starts to arrive around the same time.
As this is the third time Footsore have done this for us, I am very confident everything will be leaving them this month as planned.
Lastly, I want to highlight the sending of emails again to help avoid confusion. With us now preparing to fulfil the Kickstarter, you will be receiving an email, from outside of the Kickstarter system, showing that your pledge has changed status, indicating it is ready to be picked & dispatched.
This email will say your pledge is now in the queue to be fulfilled. This indicates your pledge has been created on the picking and shipping system. You do not need to do anything about it as it's just the final step in the process and is done so the chaps at Footsore Miniatures & Games can print, pack and despatch everything for you.
When your pledge ships, you will receive a shipping notification from the same system via email. It may take a while before this is received, so please be patient if you don't receive one for what seems like a long time, your pledge has not been shipped yet. Shipping emails will most likely land towards the end of September 2021. Once shipped we also update the pledge manager.
So in closing, exciting times are ahead this month. I will update you as progress is made. As always, if you have any questions at all, please message me (Andy) I will always do my best to answer you as promptly as I can.
Stay safe, everyone!
Andy & Paul (Hobday & Hicks)
Footsore's Medieval Welsh Kickstarter + BW3 Update, Last Call for Address Changes
over 3 years ago
– Sun, Aug 29, 2021 at 02:38:02 PM
Footsore Miniatures & Games have their Kickstarter going live tomorrow (30th of August 2021) at 6 pm (UK) for a range of medieval Welsh. Sculpted by Matthew Bickley and masterminded by Mark Farr, they have a 'The Barons' War' pledge which consists of lots of lovely figures, which I thought would be rude not to share with you.
Be among the first to be notified of launch by clicking through to their Kickstarter page to register your interest. Mark has asked me to write a complete retinue list for the Welsh for The Barons' War game, which we have agreed to do and will be available as part of their Kickstarter.
Disclaimer: This is not a Hobday & Hicks Kickstarter - we just wanted to show support for Footsore as they have been so supportive of The Barons' War. Their Kickstarter will have no impact whatsoever on BW3 being delivered as planned.
BW3: Last Call for Address Changes
Slingers painted by HVM workbench
This is the final call for any address changes, as next week, we will be creating picking lists on The Barons' War shipping system. You will be receiving an email showing that your pledge has been moved over, ready to be picked & despatched when this happens. It will say an order has been created for you. You do not need to do anything as it is part of the process, so the chaps at Footsore Miniatures & Games can print, pack and despatch everything for you.
I will send out a full update about this very soon as next month, which is only a few days away, is September, the logistics month, where our focus will be to get everything on its way to you by the end of the month.
Stay safe, everyone!
Andy & Paul (Hobday & Hicks)
One month left before we start Packing and Shipping. How are things progressing?
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 11:58:18 PM
With about seven weeks to go before all pledges are due to be shipped I thought it would be a good time to provide an update on how things are going...buckle up as it is a long one.
If you just want a summary you can skip to the bottom.
Figure Packs
On Monday (9th August) I paid a visit to the chaps at Footsore Miniatures & Games to check out how the stock build was progressing which provided me with an opportunity to take lots of photos.
A stack of moulds being worked through
I stuck my head into the casting room to see how the chaps were doing for the Kickstarter, to find out this was their last week working on it as they will have cast all the figures needed for the 16,000+ packs.
An industrial effort!
The picture above shows a full run lined up ready to be spun, I could spy other moulds included for stock to fulfil regular Footsore orders. It's good to see de Warenne present in the mix.
A tub of drivers part of the 654 carts that have been selected for pledges
The tax cart is one of the top three items chosen by backers and included in many pledges. We have been printing carts solidly now since the pledge manager closed. With only 150 left to produce they should all be finished in about a week.
Checking each box to make sure everything is OK
After poking my head in the casting room, I took the time to go through each box of stock to make sure the castings were of good quality and, to be honest, just to be nosey.
Each box contains 100 packs
The Footsore team has worked really hard over the last few months and have only about 3000 individual sets left to pack. As it stands presently, they are bang on track to finish at the end of next week, the 22nd of August.
And I still couldn't get all the boxes in shot!
I can confidently say each of the boxes in the photo above is full, as I checked!
Having witnessed the amount of stock that has been manufactured, it was clear the correct amount of figure packs will be ready to be picked for pledges during September 2021.
One of the many packing stations
Resin Villages & Hamlets
Resin printing of the terrain to represent Wimentun is going exceptionally well, with the first set of 50 villages and 35 hamlets ready to be finished and boxed by the end of this month, phew!
Well, well, well...
We have learnt a huge amount about mass production using resin 3D printers in such a short space of time that we are excited to put our new found knowledge into practice on future projects.
Tax carts waiting for their drivers
The quality we have been able to achieve has made us realise this is how we want to produce all our physical terrain in the future.
Boxes containing resin terrain waiting to be separated into pledges
The exciting boxes (*joke*) stacked up in the photo contain all the big stuff carefully packed away, ready to be separated into individual villages and hamlets. We are also on track here to deliver the first 50 villages and all the hamlets on schedule, as promised, with a further 25 villages to be ready by the end of November. Once all the physical terrain pledges have been sent to backers, we will make the STL files available along with a printing service supplying physical terrain at a new website.
When we have a village set all boxed up ready to go we'll share photos so you can see what to expect when it arrives.
Death & Taxes
The last part of the BW3 Kickstarter is the supplement book, Death & Taxes.
Proofing sections on my desk
Once again, I have been working with Steve Beckett to mirror the same look and style as the core rulebook, and also because he is an absolute talent who makes me look good. :D
The book has three sections. Section one comprises the Death & Taxes campaign where I've written the background and Tom Mecredy has penned the scenarios to provide the same feel and consistency as the recently released mini-campaigns. The army lists have been created by George Asling.
Section two is the outlaw section containing all the rules you need for an outlaw retinue. The different characters and warriors featured have also been created with George, so they fit in well with other warrior profiles in the core rulebook.
The buildings of Wimentun Village have a part to play
Section three is the rules for playing campaigns as there comes a time when players want to link several battles together, telling their commander's stories. The campaign rules simulate a feud between any number of players sent to a particular region to fight it out for dominance.
Based on a Lewis chess piece made to fit The Barons’ War.
In my opinion like all good campaigns, the map is hexed based with rules for different types of tiles. Paul has sculpted a Banner marker based on a Lewis Chessman knight to indicate the location of the different commanders on the campaign map. The idea is for you paint the shield (or use a decal) with the Commander’s heraldry indicating whose leading that particular part of your Retinue. There should be plenty included in this section to keep your games entertaining for a while, with a number of options available for your campaigns.
The cover art is The Battle for Wimentun by Peter Dennis
The book is currently going through its final phase of layout and proofreading, ready for print this month. It has grown to roughly the same number of pages as The Barons' War rulebook, which means it will expand the game by quite a bit. Once the final version has gone to print, we will send out PDF copies to all eligible backers.
In Summary
Either you have read the full update or jumped to this section. Either way, I am happy to say that we are bang on schedule to ship ALL pledges by the end of September 2021* as indicated during the Kickstarter. I do have to add the caveat that we are not quite there yet, and in the current climate, anything could happen, however, I am confident that everything will be OK.
If you have any questions, please write in the comments below, and I will do my best to answer them. My goal for our next update, which will be early September 2021, is to include pictures of the printed Death & Taxes book and an update showing pledges being packed.
*Backers who pledged for the second wave of the physical village will receive that part by the end of November 2021 as indicated.
A Sneaky Peak
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Jul 07, 2021 at 08:50:05 PM
A quick update as Paul and I thought you should be first to see this as it landed with us today. It's the digital mock-up of what the campaign book will look like, physical copies should be with us by the beginning of September 2021. Work is progressing to the schedule for BW3 pledges to be despatched by the end of September 2021, so all is currently good.
Stay safe everyone!
An Update for Digital Village Backers - Almost ready for download!
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Jun 25, 2021 at 10:56:13 PM
With June almost at an end, you will be pleased to hear that we are almost ready to provide access to your Digital Wimentun Village pledge. To give you the heads up, shortly, you will be receiving an email confirming "an order" for the digital files. To be clear, this will be me adding the digital bundle that you have already paid for during the BW3 Kickstarter into your WARHOST account.
The initial email confirming your Digital Pledge is almost ready to be accessed
Once received, you will be invited, via another email, to an account we have set up for you on the WARHOST online store. All you need to do is accept the account invite and set yourself a password. After this, when you log in, you should see each STL file ready for download.
Logged into your WARHOST account
Why have we done it this way? Well, we wanted you to have easy access to your files whenever you are ready to download them, so there is no pressure on you. Once you have a copy of each set of STLs, please feel free to delete your account if you no longer need it or keep it as you may find a need to download another copy at a later date. It is totally up to you.
Clicking on your order will reveal 'download here' links for each STL
For those of you who didn't back the digital village bundle and intend to purchase STL files, they will be available on the WARHOST online store individually after ALL pledges have been shipped, which will be later this year. We are planning to release physical versions of all the terrain pieces on the WARHOST website as well. Again this will be once all the physical terrain pledges have been shipped.
As always, if you have any questions, please give me a shout and keep an eye on your inbox over the next few days.